The Wisepreneurs Project—where wisdom meets entrepreneurship

Annette Densham

Annette Densham Profile Photo

Storyteller & Wordsmith | MC | Comedian | 2024 Telstra Best of Business Awards Accelerating Women Winner Queensland

From her first foray into journalism at age 15, Annette Densham was hooked on sharing other people’s stories. A weaver of words and a hoarder of knowledge, Annette has written copy for websites, speeches, marketing, and presentations on topics ranging from forklifts to tax, theatre lights and sport, senior issues, and health. She knows what makes news intriguing and interesting.

With a 30-plus-year career in newspapers—The Australian, Financial Review, and Daily Telegraph—magazines (print and digital), and corporate communications, this ex-journalist now uses her skills to teach small business people how to use their stories to connect with the world and build influential brands.

Annettes' work to create award-winning entries and leverage them with media and publicity has been recognised with national and international business and PR awards. She believes everyone can use their award story to connect with the media and beyond, and she’s proved this by helping her clients secure over $4 million in free advertising through mainstream media.

Annette is also a stand-up comedian, and as an author, trainer, mentor and speaker, she weaves her story magic everywhere.

June 13, 2024

Annette Densham: Empowering Professionals Through the Power of Storyt…

In this episode, Annette Densham from the Audacious Agency discusses the impact of storytelling on your personal and professional life. Annette shares her journey from journalism to helping professionals improve their visibility and influence. Her agency plays a key role …

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