The Wisepreneurs Project—where wisdom meets entrepreneurship

Debbie Jenkins

Debbie Jenkins Profile Photo

Author, Speaker & Business Book Publisher helping expertise based business owners turn their ideas into assets

Debbie Jenkins is a dynamic and multifaceted professional who has carved a niche as an expert in transforming knowledge into valuable business assets. With a heart for marketing and a background in engineering, Debbie helps consultants and coaches elevate their expertise through strategic book writing, coaching, and publishing.

Professional Journey
Debbie's journey marks a unique blend of technical acumen and creative passion. She holds a first-class degree in Electronics Engineering and has spent over 25 years running various businesses. Her career began in engineering with stints at BT Fulcrum, Apricot Computers, and Mitsubishi Electric, where she demonstrated her talent for problem-solving and leadership.

Transitioning from engineering, she played a key role in commissioning, editing, and publishing 80 books on coaching, self-improvement, and small business development.

Author and Publisher
A prolific author, Debbie has written or co-authored 10 books on marketing, including "The Gorillas Want Bananas" and "The Wealthy Author." Her expertise in the publishing industry has helped over 100 experts get their books written, published, and sold.

With her analytical approach and engineering background, Debbie ensures clients' projects stay on track and resonate with their target audience.

The Asset Path®
Debbie’s flagship program, The Asset Path®, guides business owners through creating and capitalizing on valuable business assets. This program emphasises the importance of "atomic ideas" – disruptive insights that are continuously tested and validated. She helps her clients plot these ideas into a series of concise, targeted books called Short Valuable Books, which serve as landmarks guiding both the creator and their audience towards deeper understanding and engagement.

Personal Approach
Known for her engaging and supportive coaching style, Debbie offers several pathways for clients to work with her:

Writing & Publishing Cohorts: A collaborative environment where participants receive support and accountability as they work on their books.

Only Authors Club: A program leveraging books to attract more clients.
Weekly Strategy Calls: Free sessions offering strategies on books and marketing.

Personal Life and Interests
Debbie lives in Spain with her family of cats, dogs, goats, and horses. She embraces a life filled with creativity, whether through writing, painting, or caring for her animals.

Debbie’s motto, "If you’re not having fun, what are you having?" reflects her vibrant and enthusiastic approach to work and life.

Debbie Jenkins is a master of transforming expertise into tangible business assets. She blends engineering precision with marketer creativity. Her work empowers business owners to create enduring legacies, achieve financial freedom, and enjoy their professional journeys.

For more information about Debbie Jenkins and her programs, visit The Asset Path® or connect with her on social media.

July 12, 2024

Debbie Jenkins Enhancing Professional Credibility with Short, Valuabl…

Debbie Jenkins is a prolific author and experienced publisher. Debbie delves into her books “Stop the Credibility Crisis” and “Stop Writing Books Nobody Reads,” sharing her expert advice on enhancing professional credibility through short, impactful books. Learn how to leverage …

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