The Wisepreneurs Project—where wisdom meets entrepreneurship

Terri Connellan

Terri Connellan Profile Photo

As an author, certified life coach, personality type practitioner at Quiet Writing and a graduate of the Beautiful You Coaching Academy with certification in Jung/Myers-Briggs personality type, she supports women in making transitions to more creative and wholehearted lives.

This support focuses on enhanced self-leadership and personality understanding, helping women gather the threads of their story and body of work to shine brightly.

Her book, "Wholehearted: Self-leadership for Women in Transition," and the "Wholehearted Companion Workbook," was published by the Kind Press in September 2021. Their work and insights can be found at

Bringing a wealth of experience as a leader in adult education and the vocational education and training sector, she served as the Director of Strategic Policy for TAFE NSW, Australia's largest and leading technical and vocational education provider.
With deep knowledge of the tertiary education sector, they contributed to the Office of the NSW Minister for Education, the Hon. Adrian Piccoli, offering high-level policy advice based on their extensive experience as senior leaders and teachers.

Terri's passion for creative leadership and self-leadership connects her vocational and personal experiences. As a creative change agent in every role they have undertaken, she focuses on supporting women to cultivate creative self-leadership, encouraging them to be wholehearted and to shine. Additionally, she assists individuals in translating the books in their hearts into reality through practical support and guidance.

Jan. 5, 2024

Terri Connellan: Mastering Midlife Transitions & Coaching

Life Transition Coaching In this insightful episode, Terri Connellan, an accomplished author and life transition coach, delves into the intricacies of navigating significant life changes. With a focus on empowering women in midlife, Terri shares her expertise in wholehearted self-leadership …

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