The Wisepreneurs Project—where wisdom meets entrepreneurship

New Transforming Your Professional Expertise into a Thriving Freelance Business

New Transforming Your Professional Expertise into a Thriving Freelance Business

It's been a long time since I was a naive, starry-eyed idealist, leaping without a parachute to self-employment. A lot has changed over time, and I have learned and grown, and in the process, I have discovered a better way to look at self-employment. That has led me to work on designing a program for mature professionals who have amassed considerable career capital through their knowledge and skills developed over the years and may now, as they are getting older, consider whether freelancing or self-employment is an option for them.

What do you call yourself?

Describing oneself as self-employed takes various forms. Terms like a consultant, freelancer, talent, or independent contractor are all in the lexicon. These descriptors primarily focus on the nature of your work or the type of service you provide. However, in essence, you are a small business owner. If you operate independently without employees, you might identify as a 'solopreneur'.

These definitions largely correspond to the operational aspects of your professional life. Yet, regarding legal definitions, the terms take on different meanings. You may register your business as a sole trader or incorporate it as a company. Understanding this differentiation is important to navigating self-employment's operational and legal landscapes.

Planning a Transition: The Bridge from Employee to Self-Employed

The first consideration is to see yourself from the contractor's perspective. As a self-employed freelancer, contractor or consultant, your responsibilities shift from being an employee to working on a series of projects. This mental shift prepares you for what lies ahead—project-based freelance work that capitalises on your expertise. Planning for this is an important part of the shift and requires you to think differently from being in a job.

Freelancing: The New Paradigm of Work

Freelancing offers a new model of work that is project-based and expertise-driven. It allows you to choose projects that match your interest and charge a premium based on your unique skills. Your expertise is your golden ticket, an asset clients value and are willing to pay for.

Understanding and Running a Business: The Admin Side of Things

Beyond your core expertise, freelancing demands proficiency in marketing, sales, and administration. Critical skills include persuading potential clients, managing resources, and navigating business operations. Many of these skills are transferable. There will be aspects of running your business that you will need to learn, with other parts that you will want to outsource, allowing you to focus on what you do best and enjoy.

Building a Network: Your Lifeline to gaining work

Your professional network will fuel your success in self-employment. Identifying key decision-makers and industry experts and reaching out to them through conferences, social platforms, or mutual contacts can open doors to new projects. Building a network is not an overnight task; its rewards are manifold. Hence, as a part of your transition, it is well worth working on this aspect of your career.

The Complexity Of Transition: Preparation Is Key

The transition to self-employment is a challenge demanding time, effort, and energy. Making any change like this will be uncomfortable, you will feel some stress, or procrastination will stall your progress. Seeking help will help you keep moving in the right direction. (see my special offer for you below) Many others have made the shift through preparation and careful pacing. You, too, can successfully navigate a path to self-employment.

More than just a transition, plus a special offer

The transition to self-employment is more than just a career change. It's a lifestyle shift, a fresh perspective, and can be an exciting and motivating journey. The foundations for success include planning, leveraging your skills, managing your business effectively, and building or rebuilding your network. The rewards of autonomy, freedom, and fulfilment far outweigh the challenges.

I have a special offer for my readers, normally AUD $199; you can save $100 and book a 60-minute consultation with me for $99 to discuss any questions you have about freelancing or self-employment.
Book now using this link:

Nigel Rawlins