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Personal Branding

Personal Branding

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Your reputation and work quality are your most valuable assets as a freelancer. If you are working in a competitive market, your reputation helps to set you apart and gives potential clients a reason to hire you.

Developing a solid yet authentic personal brand and reputation will often take longer than you think and require time and effort. It is essential for any freelancer looking to build a thriving business. Here are some tips for crafting a compelling personal brand:

Define Your Niche
Avoid being a jack-of-all-trades and master of none. Identify the specific services and skills you excel at and how they will help your clients. Focus on a niche that leverages your unique talents and experiences and continues to grow your expertise in that domain.

In the professional sector, popular services include:

  • Accounting and Finance
  • Admin and Project Work
  • Copywriting, Writing and Translating
  • Creative Arts and Design,
  • Engineering, Architecture and Interior Design
  • Marketing, Events, Branding
  • Web Development and IT
  • Recruitment and HR
  • Learning and Development

Defining a niche makes your expertise clear to potential clients. For example, in my marketing services business, I help plan and coordinate marketing activities for clients, hiring and supervising freelancers depending on the project.

Craft Your Origin Story

Tell me why you started freelancing and how your background prepared you for this work. Share details about your journey that give people insight into your motivations and personality. Vulnerability and authenticity help you connect with clients on a human level.

Demonstrate Your Skills

Curate an online portfolio displaying your best work and client testimonials to provide potential customers with a preview of what you can deliver. If you have confidential work, include case studies outlining the challenges you solved without revealing private details.

Find Your Authentic Voice

Determining your unique voice is vital for communicating effectively with your audience. Whether you use humour, casual language, or a more formal tone, write website copy, blog posts, and social media captions that sound genuinely like you. Avoid simply mimicking the stiff, corporate language of press releases.

At the same time, be cautious of using AI-generated content, as that often lacks originality and nuance. While AI can help generate ideas, your articles must reflect your distinct perspective and expertise. Developing an authentic writing voice requires dedication—it takes time and practice to translate your thoughts and knowledge into engaging content.

If writing doesn't come naturally, begin developing a regular writing habit. Start small by writing each day on topics that are meaningful to you and may interest your readers. Experiment to find a style that resonates with who you are. Seek feedback from those who know you to ensure your writing voice aligns with your personality. With consistent effort, you can craft content showcasing your unique point of view.

The key is to leverage tools like AI for assistance but only depend on them partially. Combining your skills and knowledge with AI support allows you to create content that sounds like you, not a generic robot. The "real you" comes across through an authentic writing voice developed over time.

Build Relationships

While in-person networking is ideal, your website, guest posts, social media, and professional communities will further help develop your network. Comment on others' content, share their posts, and provide value without expecting anything immediate. People want to work with those who engage authentically.

Recent research reveals that most freelancers find clients through existing networks - past clients, referrals, and social connections. Nurture these relationships by regularly engaging with your contacts. Provide updates on your work and maintain visibility to stay top of mind when new projects arise. Leverage recommendations to establish credibility with potential new clients.

Developing genuine online and in-person relationships expands your professional community over time. This network becomes a vital source of new business. So consistently build rapport and help others—you never know which connection may lead to your next client.

Create Valuable Content

Regularly publishing helpful content demonstrates your expertise and keeps you top of mind with your audience. However, simply posting content is not enough—you must create beneficial content related to your niche. Conduct keyword research to identify high-demand topics your ideal clients are searching for. Then, develop relevant content such as blog posts, videos, infographics or slides that provide real value on those subjects.

Understand that quality trumps quantity when it comes to content. Well-researched, comprehensive resources focused on solving people's problems will attract more engaged visitors over time. Google's algorithms favour websites that publish regular, relevant content. But avoid getting caught up in keyword stuffing or churning content to post frequently.

Remember that as a freelancer, you may only need a small number of high-value clients versus thousands of website visitors. Create content specifically for your target audience rather than generic to appeal to the masses. While some influencers aim for maximum reach, you desire to attract and nurture potential clients who value your niche expertise. So, focus on developing beneficial content that showcases your knowledge. With consistency and relevance, you can build trust and credibility over time.

While companies have more control in crafting their brand through logos, messaging, and marketing, individuals have a more difficult task. A person is multi-faceted and ever-evolving, and it is challenging to maintain a consistent personal brand.

Companies often have whole teams to manage their brand, while freelancers must carefully curate it solo. The end goal of branding remains similar - conveying competence and qualities to attract the right customers.

However, personal brands must highlight authenticity and leverage existing strengths rather than attempt to manufacture a new identity. Freelancers should focus less on a predefined brand archetype and more on consistently delivering excellent work that builds credibility.

As marketing expert Seth Godin argues, authenticity is vital when building a personal brand. Godin believes that "all brand authenticity is an oxymoron" - in other words, brands, by nature, distort reality.

People who overly curate and shape their image to match a specific brand risk seeming inauthentic. Godin emphasises showing up as your true self, capitalising on your talents and interests rather than inventing a new persona. While consistency and identifying strengths are essential, drastically changing yourself to fit a predetermined brand archetype can backfire. Freelancers distinguish between amplifying their best attributes and pretending to be someone they're not. According to Godin, leaning into who you already are is the best approach for developing an authentic and trustworthy personal brand.

Remember that your reputation is your most valuable asset as a freelancer. Focus on consistently delivering excellent work rather than a fabricated personal brand. Skills and competence are what matter most to clients in the end. You can build credibility and trust by emphasising your abilities first and crafting a brand identity around them.

With consistency, transparency, and showcasing your expertise, you can develop a personal brand as a freelancer that attracts your ideal clients. But keep sight of what matters most—bringing value through the quality of your work.

Roger Kneebone, Becoming an Expert, The Economist, 2022
(See also his book Expert: Understanding the Path to Mastery)
Ryan O'Hara, Personal Branding: 4 Steps to Find the Real You
Where Do Freelancers Find Customers
Debbie Millman, Design Matters Podcast with Seth Godin,

Nigel Rawlins
Fractional CMO For Freelance Consultants
Affordable Hands-On Marketing Support

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