The Wisepreneurs Project—where wisdom meets entrepreneurship

Marketing Mastery with Wisepreneurs Guest, Paula Ronan

Marketing Mastery with Wisepreneurs Guest, Paula Ronan

Hello ,

In last Friday's episode of the Wisepreneurs Podcast, I enjoyed chatting with Paula Ronan, a generously warm, approachable and insightful Irish marketing consultant.

Paula shared her journey from her youth in Ireland to seeking her fortune in London and, when returning to Ireland, faced culture shock at how differently they conducted business.

After two decades of working and studying marketing, I've become reasonably adept at recognising a genuine expert. Paula is a master of her craft and uses it to bring structured discipline to the businesses she works with. She generously opens up to share with us her profound knowledge, which is equally impressive.

Shaped by Cultures, Sharpened in Marketing

Experience gained in working in London is a theme I am beginning to notice in the podcast and how it helps form business talent. In episode 30, guest Tash Menon's experience working in London was pivotal to her forming Mash when she returned to Melbourne.

When Paula returned to Ireland, it presented a stark contrast—a culture shock that initially tested and troubled her. The hustle business culture she worked in in London was non-existent; it was all about relationships at the start, which took time and patience.

Discipline and Balance

As a freelancer, Paula explains the field and how she meticulously manages her time to deliver exceptional value to her clients while ensuring self-care. Her structured approach, ensuring she takes breaks and holidays, is something all independent professionals or freelancers must remember to sustain their productivity without compromising their well-being.

Continuous Learning

One of the reasons that I read so widely and write so much is that I am always seeking ways to clarify and share what I know. There are often better ways to explain or articulate things we are trying to say or explain.

Paula's commitment to education, mainly through the Mini MBAs she has undertaken, helped solidify her marketing practices and enhanced her ability to articulate complex concepts to clients, elevating their understanding and engagement with marketing strategies.

Empowering Family Businesses

Paula helps transform family-run businesses where they currently have no formal marketing function. She works with them to help them realise their potential by guiding them through her marketing and branding processes to steer them towards sustainable growth.

Her processes involve:

  • Brand Strategy Workshops: Engage clients deeply to harness an intimate understanding of their business.
  • Market Positioning and Value Proposition: Develop a unique stance in the market and define and understand the value delivered to customers.
  • Brand Values and Personality: Establish and embody authentic brand values and personality in every communication.
  • Marketing Funnel Analysis: Strategically analyse and identify focal points within the marketing funnel for targeted efforts.
  • Tailored Marketing Activities: Implement customised marketing initiatives aligned with business objectives and audience needs.
  • Continuous Learning and Adaptation: Embrace ongoing education to refine and update marketing strategies, ensuring they remain practical and relevant.

Wow! Paula impressed me with her knowledge and warmth and was another fantastic and engaging guest on the podcast.
Listen to her here:

Future Guests

I have to say that I am pretty excited about our journey with the podcast, having the privilege of connecting with fascinating, generous, and knowledgeable guests.

With six episodes in the works and three more conversations lined up this week alone—spanning from the US to Belgium and Ireland—I'm thrilled by the diversity and richness these voices bring to the Wisepreneurs platform, promising to inspire and captivate you with each new episode.

Episode 33, Charlotta Darnell, Psychological Strength Trainer, Friday, March 1

Swedish Charlotta Darnell has a rich background spanning over two decades as a behavioural scientist, CBT therapist, mindfulness instructor, mental trainer, coach, and addiction therapist.

Charlotta specialises in building psychological strength, fostering resilience, and enhancing self-leadership through tailored programs ranging from power hours to comprehensive psychological strength and stress reduction courses.

Her dedication to positive psychology, emotional intelligence, and growth mindset shines through her work, offering transformative paths for those ready to thrive amidst adversity.

What do you think?

Nigel Rawlins
Fractional CMO for Hire
+ Fast, Affordable Marketing Services

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