The Wisepreneurs Project—where wisdom meets entrepreneurship

The Freelance Success Formula

The Freelance Success Formula

Hello ,

In episode 38 of the Wisepreneurs podcast last week, European freelancing expert Robert Vlach shared his valuable insights on navigating the complexities of the freelance landscape. I'll be honest in that his conversation changed my thoughts and understanding of how I would approach my work with independent professionals.

As the author of "The Freelance Way" and founder of, Robert offers practical advice from his extensive experience and deep understanding of the freelance economy.

In this article, we'll explore some key takeaways from Robert's interview and provide actionable strategies you can implement to achieve success and satisfaction in your freelance career.

The Power of Industry-Specific Knowledge

One of Robert's central messages is understanding and adapting to industry-specific norms.

"Try to learn the rules of freelancing with your own industry and profession," he advises.

By focusing on the specific best practices and rules relevant to your field, you can position yourself for success and avoid the mistakes of amateur freelancers who rely solely on general advice.

Actionable strategy: Conduct thorough research on your industry, seeking out resources, forums, and communities specific to your niche. Engage with experienced freelancers to gain insights into your industry's unique dynamics and expectations.

Experiment with Pricing and Build Financial Reserves

Pricing is a critical aspect of freelancing, yet many independent professionals need help determining their optimal rates.

Robert recommends actively experimenting with pricing strategies and building financial reserves to strengthen your negotiating power.

"The amount of your financial reserves completely changes the game," he notes, emphasizing how a financial safety net can help you confidently command fair rates for your expertise.

Actionable strategy:

Regularly assess and adjust your pricing, considering your unique value proposition and the market rates in your industry.

Consistently work to build financial reserves, setting aside a portion of your income to create a buffer that allows you to be more selective in your client choices.

Cultivate Enduring Relationships and Embrace Longevity

Robert highlights the potential for freelancers to enjoy long and fulfilling careers, often working with clients in similar age cohorts.

By cultivating solid and enduring relationships with clients who share your values and experiences, you can build a stable foundation for long-term success.

"As freelancers, we share some common values," Robert points out, emphasizing the importance of personal independence and freedom in fostering deep connections with like-minded professionals.

Actionable strategy:

Build genuine, long-lasting relationships with clients who align with your values and work style. Leverage your age and experience to connect with clients in similar life stages, creating a shared understanding and mutual respect.

Conclusion: By listening to and implementing Robert Vlach's practical insights and these actionable strategies, you'll be in a better position to navigate the freelance landscape with greater confidence and clarity. Remember to continuously learn, adapt, and grow as you define your unique path to success and satisfaction in your freelance career.

This Friday's Coming Wisepreneurs Teaser:
Discover the Secrets to Building a Thriving Consulting Business with Melisa Liberman

Are you ready to leave the corporate world, start your consulting business, or take your existing consulting practice to new heights? Don't miss this Friday's Wisepreneurs podcast #39, featuring Melisa Liberman, a consultant and business coach with a wealth of knowledge and experience. She shares her priceless insights on building a thriving consulting business.

Tip of the Day: Be Intentional With Your Time and Energy

Seth Godin wisely said,

How we allocate our time and emotional energy determines what gets done."

Don't give away your days haphazardly - use your precious time and energy with the purpose of creating the future you want. Make each day count.

Nigel Rawlins

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