The Wisepreneurs Project—where wisdom meets entrepreneurship

The Dream That Wouldn't Die: Hazel Edwards' 6-Decade Career Survival Guide

The Dream That Wouldn't Die: Hazel Edwards' 6-Decade Career Survival Guide

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Breaking Out
Imagine being a young girl in a sleepy 1960s Australian country town, dreaming of becoming an author. For women then—especially in rural communities—career paths were limited: nursing, working in the local shops or bank, secretarial roles, or, if lucky, teaching.

Hazel Edwards was determined to aspire to something as unconventional and creative as "author." She defied norms to craft her extraordinary, multi-decade career as a renowned "authorpreneur."

Life-Changing Mentorship
Supportive male mentors shaped Hazel's path in her early years and fostered her educational and professional growth.

Even before the influential male mentors she encountered later in life, Hazel Edwards' father was her first mentor. This unorthodox figure defied the gender norms of the time by encouraging her intellectual curiosity and supporting her ambitions beyond the limited opportunities typically afforded to girls in their small country towns.

While mentors of any gender were harder for women to find in the 1960s and 70s, supportive men like her unorthodox father, her husband, and a former colleague emboldened her to continuously pursue her dreams, defying era-specific gender norms and limitations.

Today, there are more opportunities for senior female professionals to provide invaluable guidance by generously sharing knowledge through networks, books, coaching, podcasts, etc., contrasting the mentor scarcity of the past.

The Enduring Art of Storytelling
Hazel's success comes from her masterful storytelling ability to convey complex ideas through simple, relatable narratives that resonate with readers across ages.

"It's much harder to write simply about complex ideas than the other way around," she explains.

Edwards believes the test of a great story is whether it survives over time by having essential ingredients like compassion, humour and the ability to make people think deeply.

She says, "A book belongs to the reader or the audience; it's not mine anymore once it's out there."

Hazel pays it forward through her "Hazelnuts" group, mentoring diverse aspiring writers—from former asylum seekers to medical professionals, many are men—helping them shape their memoirs or narratives by drawing from their unique perspectives.

Hazel's fearless exploration of diverse writing genres has spanned over 200 published works. Her extraordinary legacy profoundly demonstrates what can be achieved when youthful creative ambitions are nurtured and tenaciously pursued, no matter how unconventional or unlikely they may seem amidst societal limitations.

A true "wisepreneur," Hazel Edwards has continuously reinvented herself while staying true to her aspiration, taking new risks, and embracing lifelong learning at every stage. Now, she's nurturing the next generation as an impactful mentor. Her indelible mark endures as an "authorpreneur" willing to blaze new trails to share meaningful stories with the world.

Listen to Hazel's story here:

Something to think about

In The Longevity Imperative, 2024, Andrew Scott argues that the longer we sustain health, productivity, and engagement in the later decades, the more options become available.

His prescription?

  • Cultivate transferable skills to facilitate radical professional reinvention over an extended work lifespan
  • Nurture core relationships through quality family and friend ties and
  • Prioritize experiences over indiscriminate possessions

A longer horizon allows you to explore different paths rather than stick to a rigid plan. Realistically, you may still have many productive years ahead regardless of age. So why not consider transitioning toward something that matters to you?

Reimagining your path unlocks a "longevity dividend" of continual growth and evolution, just like Hazel Edwards. .

Scott, the co-author of The 100-Year Life, suggests that our bonus decades offer immense potential for those daring enough to author their own non-traditional life stories. I found the 100-Year Life Books to be better than this one.

Coming up on the Wisepreneurs Podcast—Marketing Mastery for Independent Pros

The next four episodes examine the fundamental marketing strategies and tactics for independent professionals to attract their ideal clients.

  • First, Dr. Debra Zahay-Blatz, a marketing professor, demystifies digital marketing practices for independent professionals.
  • Then, Fiona Allman-Teen provides a non-tech guide to website mastery, the foundation of your online presence.
  • Next, copywriting expert Gill Andrews reveals how compelling messaging can transform an underperforming website into a client-attracting powerhouse and
  • Finally, SEO dynamo Kate Toon shares insider tips on optimizing your site to rank higher on Google search and expand your visibility.

If you want to level up your marketing game, this comprehensive four-part series will provide a wealth of practical, expert-led strategies to help you survive, grow and thrive.

Stay curious, stay healthy, and keep thriving

Nigel Rawlins

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