The Wisepreneurs Project—where wisdom meets entrepreneurship

Jane Hudson’s transition from corporate life to a thriving L&D consultancy

Jane Hudson’s transition from corporate life to a thriving L&D consultancy

Hello ,

When I first started the Wisepreneurs Podcast, my inexperience made it challenging. I constantly struggled to find the right words and to make sure that I was listening to my guest, plus clarifying the direction of the podcast and the audience I was seeking. Even figuring out how to invite guests and edit the podcast was difficult.

One of my early episodes, episode five, featured a conversation with Jane Hudson, a friend and independent professional in the learning and development field.

Fifty episodes later, in episode 55, I reconnected with Jane to explore how her work and understanding of business have developed since our last conversation.

Episode 5 Recap: The Beginning of Jane’s Journey

When I first spoke with Jane, she was in the early stages of self-employment. Transitioning from a stable government job to running her own learning and development consultancy, J Bass Learning, was no small feat.

Jane faced many challenges, including client acquisition, scaling her business, and managing finances. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic further complicated these challenges and sped up the shift to online learning and remote work. Jane’s resilience and adaptability were apparent as she navigated these early hurdles.

Episode 55 Recap: Growth and Evolution

Fifty episodes later, the podcast has found its footing and clarified its purpose, though there’s still room for growth.

I’ve become more confident in talking to guests, editing, and publishing.

When I reconnected with Jane, I found her increased insights and resilience evident. Jane’s business has flourished, and in her current project, she skillfully manages a team, sets effective pricing strategies, and continues to specialise in regulatory learning and development.

Her confidence and capability are visible in how she runs her business. While she occasionally worries about where the next project will come from, she trusts her network to provide consistent work.

Key Takeaways for Wisepreneurs:

Overcoming Challenges and Building Resilience: Like every business, Jane overcame various challenges, from acquiring clients to managing finances. She highlights the importance of persistence and adaptability, stating,

“It’s not about the setbacks, but how you respond to them, that defines your success.”

Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset: Transitioning from corporate life to self-employment required a significant mindset shift. Jane emphasises the importance of an entrepreneurial spirit:

“You have to believe in your vision and be willing to take risks. It’s a continuous learning process.”

Over the years, her mindset has strengthened to embrace innovation and resilience, crucial traits for any entrepreneur.

The Power of Networking: Networking has been a cornerstone of Jane Hudson’s success. She emphasises its importance not only for acquiring new clients but also for finding subcontractors and team members.

“Building a strong professional network has been invaluable,” Jane shares. “It’s through these connections that I’ve been able to find reliable subcontractors, get advice on pricing strategies, and secure new projects. Networking is about cultivating relationships that support and enhance your business.”

Implementing Effective Business Operations: Jane’s approach to business operations has played a crucial role in her success. She differentiates her services by focusing on regulatory learning and development, building strong client relationships through trust and effective communication, and leveraging technology to streamline operations.

“Leveraging technology has been a game-changer. Tools like Articulate Storyline and RISE 360 have helped us deliver high-quality e-learning experiences.”

Achieving Work-Life Balance: Balancing work and personal life constantly challenges many independent professionals. Even as her business has grown, Jane has maintained this balance. She reflects,

“Setting boundaries and prioritising self-care is essential. It’s about creating a sustainable work environment supporting your professional and personal life.”

Personal Reflections:

Whenever I speak with a guest and then hear their insights again while editing the podcast, I feel energised by the opportunity to connect with so many talented professionals from across the world.

Their openness to sharing their insights, knowledge and procesess inspires me.

Jane’s growth, ability to adapt to changing circumstances and thoughtful approach to managing herself and her business provides a shining example for aspiring entrepreneurs. Jane’s story celebrates what it means to navigate the challenges of self-employment with grace and determination.

Applying Jane’s lessons on adaptability

Whether you’re already self-employed or contemplating the leap, this conversation has something for everyone. Listen to the full episode at and then tell me what you think. Even better, please leave a review.

Coming Up Friday

Visibility is crucial for all businesses, especially for professional women aiming to stand out in a crowded space. Boost your confidence with this Friday’s Wisepreneurs podcast, episode #56, featuring Danielle Joworski.

Whether you’re already self-employed or considering starting your own business, Danielle offers inspiration and practical ideas for professional women who want to shine and make an impact. This conversation might give you the confidence to transform your business and personal growth.

Stay curious, stay healthy, and keep thriving

Nigel Rawlins


​Check out all the Wisepreneurs Podcasts​
