The Wisepreneurs Project—where wisdom meets entrepreneurship

Redefining Success: Expert Tools for Thriving at Any Age

Redefining Success: Expert Tools for Thriving at Any Age

Hello ,

I'm shifting gears to bring you even more value in each edition of our newsletter.

Whether you’re already in your 60s or preparing for the journey ahead, these insights offer invaluable wisdom for thriving at any stage of your professional life.

This change reflects a more profound commitment that began with the podcast—a promise bound up in a profound moment with a dear mentor, Dr Mark Goulston, from episode #8, whose influence continues to shape my work.

Several years ago, in the early days of the Wisepreneurs Podcast, I had the privilege of interviewing Mark, a successful author, psychiatrist, and podcaster.

Mark graciously allowed me a second chance to capture his wisdom after a technical mistake during our initial recording (I forgot to press record). However, it took me several months to edit and publish that episode—a delay I deeply regretted, especially given Mark's stature and generosity.

Seven months ago, Mark made a heartfelt plea on LinkedIn, sharing his struggles with motivation as his health declined. He asked his community to join him in pushing through the difficult tasks we often avoid—things that are good for us but hard to do.

Mark's appeal struck a chord with me, and I pledged to honour him by publishing a new podcast episode every week. This became my way of ensuring that his legacy of kindness and resilience lived on.

As I continue to fulfil that promise, I'm also refocusing this newsletter to serve you better. I'm expanding the focus to provide practical insights and tools to help you thrive as an independent professional, especially for those in their 50s and beyond.

My commitment to you

This newsletter is part of my commitment to support your growth and success every step of the way, just as Mark's influence has supported mine.

Join us as we explore how to make your next chapter the most fulfilling yet—because thriving at this stage of life is a journey we're on together.

I'd Love to Get to Know You Better!

Please share a little about yourself so I can tailor my content to better suit your needs. Your responses will remain confidential and are only used to ensure we’re providing the most relevant and helpful information.

Wisepreneurs Podcast Episode #56:

Breaking the Invisibility Barrier: Essential Advice from Danielle Joworski

Visibility in business is crucial because it shapes how others perceive, respect, and value you in the marketplace.

Yet, for many women, especially those over 40, the fear of standing out can be a significant barrier to success.

This reluctance often stems from deep-seated societal norms and personal insecurities, making visibility a marketing challenge and a profound personal journey.

Breaking the barrier

In episode #56 of the Wisepreneurs Podcast, I spoke with Danielle Joworski, a visibility expert and entrepreneur, who offers vital insights into breaking the invisibility barrier many women in business face, particularly as they age.

Danielle defines visibility as a deliberate act—a conscious effort to ensure your contributions are recognised and valued.

It's not about self-promotion; it's about asserting your presence in a world that too often sidelines mature women.

Danielle explains that visibility fears often arise from ageism and sexism, which can erode confidence over time. However, she stresses that confidence is something other than what we should sit around and wait for.

We build it step by step through courageous actions grounded in a firm belief in our abilities and worth. Resilience and support from like-minded communities can be the key to overcoming these challenges.

Practical Advice:

Danielle offers practical strategies to enhance visibility and establish a stronger business presence:

Start Small: Break down your visibility goals into manageable steps. Small wins build momentum and bolster confidence.

Delegate: Prioritise growth activities by delegating tasks that free you to lead and shine.

Align with Your Values: Ensure your visibility strategies reflect your core values. Authenticity fosters genuine connections with your audience.

Visibility isn't just about marketing—it's about recognising your value and ensuring others do too.

Danielle provides a free visibility audit as a special offer to our listeners. This tool helps you assess your current presence and identify actionable steps to enhance visibility and impact.

Listen to Danielle's podcast episode here:

Karen Wickre Returns: Insights and Wisdom in Episode #57

Join me on Friday to hear Karen Wickre, a tech veteran (Twitter and Google) and networking expert. She was guest #7 and returns 50 episodes later to share more of her invaluable perspectives on navigating the digital landscape.

Keep learning, keep growing, and thrive in every chapterNigel Rawlins
Founder, Wisepreneurs

P.S. I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to reply to this email with your thoughts, questions, or topics you’d like to see covered. Let’s keep the conversation going.

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