The Wisepreneurs Project—where wisdom meets entrepreneurship

Maximize Your Impact: Expertise and Adaptability in Business

Maximize Your Impact: Expertise and Adaptability in Business

Hello ,

In this edition, we explore the power of expertise and how it sets you apart in a world flooded with information.

  • First, we examine how refining your unique skills can transform your business and amplify your impact.
  • Next, we spotlight Gail Greatorex’s inspiring journey as a product safety pioneer and independent professional, demonstrating how aligning work with personal values leads to true fulfilment.
  • Finally, we provide a sneak peek at our upcoming episode with Peter Compo, where he delivers transformative insights on strategy and innovation. You won’t want to miss it!

Part 1: Expertise – Your Pathway to Standing Out

There are days when the sheer volume of information becomes too much—when I hit a point where I say, “Enough is enough.”

It’s not just the endless articles, social media feeds, or trying to keep up with the latest podcasts; even picking a show to unwind with on Netflix or AppleTV feels like another task.

When I turn to books, it’s yet another decision to wade through. In moments like these, the weight of choice and the flood of information is overwhelming—and that’s when I realise the value of expertise.

Sometimes, what we need isn’t more content but someone to guide us through the noise.

We’re constantly bombarded with information, making finding clear, actionable insights harder.

When there’s too much information and tough competition, expertise helps you cut through the noise and stand out.​

That’s where you come in.

Whether you are a consultant, freelancer, or small business owner, cultivating and communicating your expertise is vital.

It’s not just about what you know—it’s how you apply that knowledge to solve problems in ways others can’t.

Gail Greatorex’s podcast episode showcases this in action. Her expertise has built her credibility, strengthened client relationships, and allowed her to command higher service fees.

Reading David C. Baker, Emily Mills, and Bryn Mooth’s Secret Tradecraft of Elite Advisors highlights that expertise isn’t a mere accumulation of facts but a deep, practised understanding of your field.

Michael Mauboussin, an expert in decision-making, puts it best:

Expertise is a division of labour.

In a world too complex for anyone to master everything, we rely on specialists. For you, as an independent professional, expertise is more than information—it’s the wisdom of knowing how to use that information to create an impact for your clients.

Part 2: Gail Greatorex – A Wisepreneur’s Journey

Introducing my latest guest, Gail Greatorex, on the Wisepreneurs Podcast, I couldn’t help but reflect on her incredible path as an independent professional. Gail is a pioneer in product safety and the founder of Product Safety Solutions. With over 25 years of experience, she has transformed how businesses navigate the maze of regulatory compliance and consumer protection.

But Gail’s story is not just about her expertise—it’s also about her deliberate choices along the way. She left a government role to pursue a more meaningful, self-directed career as a consultant.

Being a wisepreneur allows Gail to choose projects that align with her values, pursue personal passions like writing, and advocate for climate action. Her autonomy is the essence of being a truly independent professional.

Gail’s expertise is rare and invaluable. She’s shaped product safety standards that protect us all, from regulating children’s toys to addressing risks in e-commerce. Yet, her ability to balance this technical expertise with personal passions makes her an inspiration for anyone considering the path of self-employment.

She makes an excellent point:

It’s liberating not to answer to anyone but myself.

Note: Gail has been a valued client for several years and was my first guest on the Wisepreneurs Podcast. As she returns for episode 61, I was interested in diving deeper into her journey and exploring how her experiences have evolved.

Listen to Gail Gretorex here:

Part 3: Teaser for Next Episode – Meet Peter Compo

I’m excited to introduce another brilliant business thinker and writer, Peter Compo. Peter is an expert in strategy and innovation, with over 25 years of experience at DuPont.

His book helps businesses navigate change, manage stressors, and explore new directions by providing a design framework that encourages rethinking aspirations, focusing on what truly matters, and achieving goals through a flexible approach that promotes creative problem-solving and independent decision-making.

Drawing on his interdisciplinary background in science, music, and business, Peter developed the Emergent Approach to Strategy, a framework that prioritises adaptability over rigid planning.

In our upcoming episode, Peter explains how businesses can rethink traditional strategy models to navigate today’s fast-changing, complex landscape. His insights will challenge how you view innovation and strategy and offer practical, relevant advice for independent professionals. You won’t want to miss it!

Final Thoughts

Expertise is more than knowledge—it’s the foundation for solving problems in ways that only you can. Gail’s story reminds us of the power of independence and making choices aligned with your values, while Peter’s strategic insights promise to reshape how we think about business success. Stay tuned for more inspiring conversations and practical takeaways from leading professionals!

After reading Peter Compo’s work multiple times and speaking with him on the podcast, I’ve realised that I can’t specialise in everything I’m interested in. Surprisingly, while reading a wide range of books has helped me engage in meaningful conversations with my podcast guests, it hasn’t been moving my business forward.

A Clearer, More Focused Offering for Wisepreneurs

Peter’s design framework has helped me clarify the expertise I want to offer my Wisepreneurs. With this renewed focus, I’ve narrowed down who I want to work with and how.

I work with independent professional women 60+ to help them survive, grow, and thrive.

By providing full-service digital marketing and business growth solutions that focus on helping you build your credibility, trust, and visibility.

As your collaborative partner, I will build, host, and manage your WordPress website to ensure a solid online presence.

I'll help create compelling content, implement continuous SEO optimisation, and align everything to your business strategy—keeping your site secure, up-to-date, and showcasing your expertise.

This comprehensive, ongoing partnership is designed for visionary professionals dedicated to long-term growth and lasting success.

It's what I have been doing all along for my clients. Find out more here

Stay curious, stay healthy, and keep thriving

Nigel Rawlins

​Check out all the Wisepreneurs Podcasts​​