The Wisepreneurs Project—where wisdom meets entrepreneurship

Shifting to self-employment and living to 100

Shifting to self-employment and living to 100


Welcome to the first edition of the Wisepreneurs Newsletter.

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I have a confession to make. When I set up the lead capture on the site I forgot to connect it to my email newsletter host. Just like the builder whose house is never finished, I’ve sort of done the same. My apologies for that. It is all fixed now. And, I must admit, I had no idea how many subscribers had signed up - over 30 to start with. So, again, my apologies for you not hearing from me sooner.
Today is a quick article about the shift-to-self-employment.
It’s more than obvious to us that the world of work has changed. What that means for most of my readers including me, is that work has become more precarious, especially if age bias is at work in your organisation.
I will quote some of the research in future articles that disprove that age has anything to do with productivity, but I think if you are in your late 50’s, maybe even younger, then you are may already be aware of age bias at work. And for women, gender bias.
The challenge for wisepreneurs is to ignore this and to start considering a shift to self-employment focused on your deep knowledge and know-how.
I am more than happy to share my know-how with you, and to encourage you as much as I can.
A friend recently drew my attention to a recent Radio National talk called Best Practice on the topic of ‘Working for Longer’.
Lynda Gratton, from the London Business School was interviewed about her recent book ‘The 100 Year Life’ cowritten with Andrew Scott.
The link to the interview is included at the end of this newsletter.
A couple of my thoughts and reflections from the interview
We are living longer and healthier. In the past we may of only had some 20 years of life after retirement. Today that could now be 40 or more years.
Our perception of our age, at say 60, has changed compared to prior generations. It’s not really old anymore, especially if you are fit and well.
Because we are living longer, financing our retirement may get harder, as we may need more funds. It also means we that we may have to work longer.
Hence the need to rethink your life and work for the years ahead of you.
The best time to do that is when everything is going well, say in your 40’s or early 50’s, as you will have the funds, and the energy, to invest in the next phase of your life. If later, you may need some help to start making the shift.
The interview raises some very interesting observations about assets.
Not just your tangible assets such as property, money etc.
Your productive skills and knowledge.
Your know-how.
Your relationships with friends, but also your partnerships may change, if they haven’t already.
The new relationships will be with people who will help you make the shift, especially to self-employment if that is your aim.
Here’s a long, but pertinent quote from the interview about her take on assets:
‘The first, as you’ve just mentioned, is how to remain productive. The second is how to remain vital. And the third is how do you learn to change.

And what’s really fascinating about each of those assets, is each one of them is something about relationships – or what a psychologist would call social capital. So if you want to stay productive you have to build relationships with people who can help you become better; you know, the mentoring, coaching and peer relationships. If you want to remain vital and energised, long-term, close, regenerative friendships are really important; and if you want to change you have to spend time with people who are different from you, because guess what? People who are just like you don’t want you to change.‘

Enough for today, if you get a chance have a listen to the talk the link is here:

Please email me your thoughts, just reply to this email.

The book The 100 Year Life, Living and Working in an Age of Longevity is available from the Book Depository, this is my affiliate link and will earn me a small commission if you use it:
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Making the shift to self-employment for professional women seminar
I am running a seminar during Women’s Week of the Small Business Victoria Festival, August 15, 11am - 1pm in Melbourne, more information here:

Nigel Rawlins