The Wisepreneurs Project—where wisdom meets entrepreneurship

Resending: Time to create your own job?

Resending: Time to create your own job?


Shifting To Self Employment Seminar Feedback
A couple of weeks ago I ran a seminar with 32 women on shifting to self employment. It was a part of women’s week at the Small Business Victoria Festival.

I had over prepared and had way too much material, so that morning had to scale it right back. I did put together a 20 page manual too, but I will review that and create an ebook with it and tell you when it is ready.

This email newsletter will give you a bit of an overview of what I presented. Once I receive feedback from them I will share it with you too.

Unhappy where you are now
One of the problems as we get older, more so for women, is that a lot more responsibility piles up outside of your paid work. Home-maker, partner, parent, grand-parent and possibly carer for elderly parents all demand your time.

This can be exhausting, stressful and lead to ill health especially if you hate your job and/or work colleagues.

We need to work. We also know that not all of the things we do at work will make us happy, but there is a tipping point where you say enough is enough!

At that point what do you do?

Start with happiness
What work would make you happy?

Maybe you can look for work that would solve this, if not, you may want to consider w
hat you can do, using your expertise, to start a business in which you create your own job.

Starting a business is risky
Are you prepared to put up money, time and effort, especially if you are one of the busy ones with many responsibilities?

That’s what an entrepreneur does.

An entrepreneur is basically someone who takes the risk of starting a business. A business that sells something and makes money for the owner.

In our case we are talking about an expert business, one that sells your brain-power or solutions. We are combining expertise with entrepreneurialism.

Do you have the expertise?
Expertise means using your brainpower to sell solutions that other’s can’t. That also means knowledge and expertise not easily replaced with an algorithm or simple A.I, i.e. a DIY computer program such as an accounting program, or automatic website builder.

Having hard to find or replace expertise, means that you can charge a higher price to make a good living, enough so that you can continue learning and growing your knowledge. While getting out of bed happily in the morning to do something you love.

Is it of value to anyone?
This is the big question.

You know what would make you happy, you have the expertise, but will someone see the value of what you know and can help them with, and be prepared to pay for it? If so, how do we find these people?

More on this next week.

By the way, on my Facebook page I often add interesting articles about business, living, health and happiness that I come across, so you may be interested in having a look at it.

Also I am aim to get my newsletters out on Tuesdays from now on.


Nigel Rawlins

PS. if you have any comments or would like to suggest future articles, please feel free to reply to this email

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