The Wisepreneurs Project—where wisdom meets entrepreneurship

Life, work and the shift to self-employment

Life, work and the shift to self-employment


Life and Work and making shifts
Uncertainty and complexity are part and parcel of our lives. If you starting a business, or are already in business, then all sorts of things will affect your ability to work.
The last four weeks have shown me how unpredictable life can be and the priorities we have to consider.
As we get older our responsibilities change.
I worked at the Hub in Melbourne yesterday, surrounded by younger entrepreneurs. They have more time and energy than I do. They're way more savvy in all things technical. While they have fewer resources and money, they have plenty of positive energy.
I haven't written a newsletter for several weeks because my family has dominated my time. I have recently remarried and have three grown-up children from 27-33 years old. My wife has four and one grandchild.
My daughter, 33, has been in and out of two different hospitals with pneumonia, septicemia, then pleurisy for the last 2 months. She is better now, but was very frightened, couldn't work and had run out of sick leave, holiday leave and money. Had she had been my age the doctors told her she would have died.
Then my children's grandfather, 94, died. As my children were very upset they kept me informed and asked me to be at the funeral. Following that my youngest son's dog was diagnosed with cancer. After his grandfather's death, he's been down in the dumps.
I won't go into my wife's side of the family as there have been some family issues there we have to deal with.
Our families are important. And when stuff like this happens we need to take the time to deal with it. We can't ignore it and it affects our work.
Many good men help out with children, running the house, shopping and cooking. But I know that most men, including me, have it easier than most working women.
If they have children, full-time work, a household and a partner I cannot imagine how they manage to cope. Especially when the unexpected happens. If they don't like their job it can all add up to overwork, stress, ill health and burnout.
The world of work is changing fast. Jobs are disappearing, never to return. If you aren't happy in your work or job, it's not something you can stop and shift to self-employment. Unless you have in-demand expertise.
In the short term, you will need to find a way to deal with the pressures you can.
Over the longer term, start planning for work that gives you joy and the lifestyle you prefer.
What are your thoughts?

Nigel Rawlins

Working with Experts
As you know I now work with professional women who are experts in their field. They have knowledge and know-how from 20 plus years of working in their field. They know how to get things done, but often need help and support with the business and marketing side of things. It's taken me 20 years to to build the knowledge and insight to help them.
I do provide consulting and coaching and do run workshops from time to time
What do you think?
Nigel Rawlins
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