The Wisepreneurs Project—where wisdom meets entrepreneurship
July 18, 2022

Mark Goulston MD author, podcaster, Marshall Goldsmith 100 Coach and so much more

Mark Goulston MD author, podcaster, Marshall Goldsmith 100 Coach and so much more

Mark Goulston M.D., Co-Founder, Michelangelo Mindset, MG100 Coach, Founding Member Newsweek Expert Forum

Dr Mark Goldston is a UCLA-trained psychiatrist and former professor who's a member of Marshall Goldsmith's 100 coaches and the co-founder of the Michael Angelo Mindset. Founders, entrepreneurs, CEOs, and accelerators hire him to help them see the future and make it happen. Much as Michael Angelo saw the angel in the marble and carved it until he set it free.

He's the author or co-author of nine books, with his book, Just Listen, being translated into 28 languages and becoming the top book on listening in the world. He's the inventor of surgical empathy, an approach he used for 25-plus years with suicidal patients and none taking their own lives.

Mark's links:

Defeating Self-Defeat audio course - Use DEFEAT in Promo code to listen to the course for free

Mark's books on and